Wednesday, October 24, 2018

For Monday, October 29

Teams will present on their chosen site/location. These presentations should not address your proposals, but should tell us what you find important and significant about your site. Refer to part A of the instructions.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

For Wednesday, October 17

Skatestoppers – because signs alone are not enough.’ Photograph: Daryl Mersom

Read a text by art historian Miwon Kwon on site-specific art and "locational identity." Post a response to Tumblr, taking into consideration the following questions:
How do ideas of identity and site merge to form what we think of as "place"?
Are there examples of a site in which you belonged (in your own estimation) that was altered in some way that caused you to feel excluded or rejected? 
Or, how about a site where its community changes over some period of time? 
Have you ever participated in an intervention in, or defense of, a site?
There are also links to three additional recent articles from news sources that address monuments and the more recent contemporary moment. You should give those a look over:
Gary Shapiro's "The Meaning of Our Confederate ‘Monuments’" (on distinctions between memorials and monuments)
A transcript of the mayor of New Orleans on the removal of Confederate monuments
David Graham's The Stubborn Persistence of Confederate Monuments

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

For Monday, October 15

Project 2 is due on Monday, October 15.
Final output will be two prints (1 photo montage + 1 data visualization), printed at tabloid/11x17 from the inkjet printers in the lab (Print from Photoshop to RGB, Illustrator to CMYK, unless you created your document as RGB). Either matte or luster paper is OK.
Some basic instructions on printing from Photoshop.
Printing from Illustrator.
If you're unfamiliar with A&D's printing services that use Papercut, look here.

Wind map by Martin Wattenberg


August 2018   September 2018   October 2018   November 2018  

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